Operational Efficiency / Motorcycle Tracking Products

MotoTracking Package DT402

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MotoTracking Package is a user-friendly tracking system that instantly monitors the location, usage status and safety of motorcycles. Ideal for both individual motorcycle owners and corporate fleet management companies, this solution optimizes operational efficiency while increasing motorcycle safety.

With MotoTakip, individual users can track the whereabouts of their motorcycles at all times and ensure their safety by receiving instant notifications in case of unauthorized use or theft. By monitoring the motorcycle's speed, position and idling times, the system encourages safe riding habits and ensures the longevity of the motorcycle.

For corporate companies, MotoTracking enables collective tracking and management of motorcycles in the fleet. Real-time tracking and detailed reporting features provide fleet managers with the opportunity to make their operations more efficient as it provides information on the delivery of the product to the customer. These features enable corporate companies to manage their motorcycle fleets in the best way and reduce operational costs.

Emergency Call Button: In the event of a breakdown, accident or security situation that may occur on the motorcycle, an emergency call message can be quickly sent to the center thanks to the Emergency Call Button. This feature ensures that the driver is safe, while the vehicle is monitored by the center and necessary measures are taken quickly.

Remote Control (Immobilizer) Interface: In the event of theft or security measures, the Remote Control Interface can be used to prevent the motorcycle from starting remotely. Activated when the vehicle ignition is switched off, this feature increases security by preventing the motorcycle from starting. If activated while running, the motorcycle will not restart after stopping, providing additional protection against theft attempts.

When the ignition is off, the internal battery protects the battery life of your motorcycle.

Mobiliz MotoTracking Package has an easy-to-use interface for both individual users and corporate companies. With real-time tracking, security notifications and automatic reporting features, you can keep your motorcycles under control at all times, ensure their safety and optimize your operational processes.

Manage your motorcycles in the safest and most efficient way with MotoTakip Package and make a difference for both individual and corporate users.

  • Certificate InformationCE and E-Mark Certification

Mobiliz Blog

At Mobiliz Blog, we share tips on increasing operational efficiency in vehicle tracking systems and fleet management, technological innovations and sectoral developments.

Sustainable Transportation with Mobiliz DriverMeter: Eco-Friendly and Efficient Fleet Management
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Sustainable Transportation with Mobiliz DriverMeter: Eco-Friendly and Efficient Fleet Management

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Your Children are Safe: Instant Location Tracking with Mobiliz Person Tracking Package

Emergency Call Button

Theft Preventive


Battery Protection

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