Supplier Clarification Text


a) Data Controller

As MOBİLİZ BİLGİ VE İLETİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ A.Ş. (Hereinafter to be referred to as the "Company"), we inform you that we process your personal data, which you delivered/will deliver because of the fact that you are/will be a real person supplier and/or representative of a legal person supplier of our Company, in the capacity of data controller under the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (hereinafter referred to as the "PDPL") and other relevant legislation.  

b) Processed Personal Data Categories

In accordance with the PDPL and other related legislation, the identity, communication, customer transaction, legal action and financial information of our real person suppliers and/or employees and/or representatives of our legal person suppliers are processed within the scope of the purposes and legal reasons set out in this Clarification Text for Suppliers. 

c) Purpose of Processing Personal Data 

Your personal data shall be processed for the purposes of 

  • Obtaining the necessary contact information in order to receive an offer and/or purchase services,
  • Contacting you in order to supply products and services,
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of mutual contractual and legal obligations,
  • Follow-up and execution of legal affairs,
  • Performance of finance and/or accounting affairs,

within the legal reasons of "c) It is necessary to process the personal data of parties of a contract, provided that the processing is directly related to the execution or performance of the contract", "ç) It is necessary for the data controller to comply with his/her legal obligation", "e) It is necessary for the establishment, usage, or protection of a right" specified in article 5 (2) in the PDPL.

d) Method and Legal Reason for Collection of Personal Data 

Your personal data is collected by the transmission of them orally, in writing or electronically by the real person suppliers or the representatives and/or employees of legal person suppliers via the automatic or non-automatic means, based on the legal reasons regulated in article 5 (2) of the PDPL in order to fulfill the purposes set out in paragraph (c) of this text: 

e) To Whom and for Which Purpose Personal Data will be Transferred 

Your personal data will be transferred without the express consent of the data subject in accordance with articles 8 (2) (a) of PDPL for the following purposes:

  • Within the scope of the collection of fees of products and services, for the purpose of carrying out financial and/or accounting affairs, they may be shared, if necessary, with notaries public, execution offices and/or courts.
  • In order to follow the legal processes, it will be possible to share as much as necessary with our lawyers under the framework of the confidentiality obligation.

f) Your Rights within the Scope of Article 11 of the PDPL 

You have the rights, as a data subject, within the scope of Article 11 of the PDPL, and you may submit your requests regarding these rights, preferably by filling in all the information on the Relevant Person Application Form on our website according to Article 11 and Paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the PDPL and the Communiqué on Procedures and Principles of Application to Data Controller 

  • by coming to our Company at the address "Mustafa Kemal Mah. 2127. Sok. No: 42/1-2 Çankaya Ankara" in person,
  • by the notary public in writing in order to identify your identity and not to give information to the wrong persons, or by registered letter with return receipt,
  • by sending electronic mail using the secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or (if any) the electronic mail address previously reported by you to our Company and registered in our systems to the address of kvkk (at) mobiliz (dot) com (dot) tr or by other means to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board in the future.