Mobiliz Technologies Tailored for Car Rental Sector

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In the car rental sector, we know how important it is to know the risks, vehicle locations and whether they are in defined areas or not. We are also aware of the importance of mileage tracking, notification of maintenance times and every step that will contribute to reducing vehicle maintenance costs.

With Mobiliz Tracking System and Solutions, we can instantly track the vehicle usage of drivers, perform driver-based driving performance analysis, provide you with information such as fuel usage, where they are, how fast they are going, and manage your operations in the most efficient way.

Elde ettiğiniz veriler ile en uygun rotaları belirlemenize, rotadan çıkan araçlardan haberdar olmanıza imkan tanıyoruz. Ayrıca bakım ve onarım süreçlerinden de önceden haberdar olabiliyorsunuz. Kısa ve uzun dönem araç kiralama şirketleri başta olmak üzere araç kiralama şirketlerinin işlerini baştan sona güvenli ve etkili bir şekilde yönetmelerini sağlıyoruz.

Meet Mobiliz Tracking System and Solutions to increase your company's market share and ensure customer loyalty.

Mobiliz Blog

At Mobiliz Blog, we share tips on increasing operational efficiency in vehicle tracking systems and fleet management, technological innovations and sectoral developments.

Sustainable Transportation with Mobiliz DriverMeter: Eco-Friendly and Efficient Fleet Management
Operational Efficiency

Sustainable Transportation with Mobiliz DriverMeter: Eco-Friendly and Efficient Fleet Management

Your Children are Safe: Instant Location Tracking with Mobiliz Person Tracking Package
Asset Tracking Products

Your Children are Safe: Instant Location Tracking with Mobiliz Person Tracking Package

Winning Brands with Mobiliz Technologies

Turkish Opet Aviation Fuels
Keçiören Municipality Directorate of Transportation Services
Office Feed
Ikra Logistics International Transportation Tic. A.S.
Dicle FZA Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi
Merit Cyprus Tourism Ltd. Şti.
Uvez Automotive Tic. A.S.
Samsun Provincial Directorate of Health
Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality
Keçiören Municipality
Velena Health Services
Iznet Communication
Kumru Municipality
General Directorate of Denizli Water and Sewerage Administration (DESKİ)
Kayseri Melikgazi Belediyesi
Iznet Construction
Artur Servis Travel
Medlog Lojistik Gemicilik Turizm A.S.
Nordex Energy
Sağlık Transport Transportation and Trade Ltd. Şti.
Bayram Dogan
Astur Turizm Taah. Tic. ve Sey. Ltd. Şti.
Karaçoban Municipality
Davet Automotive
Axa Insurance

Do you have a question?

All questions and answers about how Mobiliz can contribute to your business are here.

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